Saturday, November 24, 2007

On Dec 1, 2007 I will be putting some of my pictures into The Strip and Phaze Artistic Design Studio where they will be for sale. All the pictures in this blog will be there along with lots of other pictures. Wish me luck.
The picture above is my Frangi Pangi (Plumeria) in front of my house after a rain storm.
This is the trunk of a tree near where I live. I like the texture of the old wood.
This statue in Largo Central park was stollen the weekend of Dec. 15, 2007. I think it is a beautiful little statue and I am hoping that the police will eventually catch the people who stole the statue and hopefully they have not damaged the statue.
I don't know what happened to this picture, it didn't seem to download and I don't know how to delete it so you will just have to put up with the tiny box with the red x unless it decides to load itself at a later date. It is a picture of a Florida sunset.
One of our typical Florida Sunsets