Wednesday, September 05, 2007

September 3, 2007 a friend of mine and I went ot Cedar Key, Florida for a sightseeing adventure. While there we took a 2 hour cruise out among the islands mainly to see the Cedar Key Lighthouse but were lucky enough to see some dolphins and other interesting sights.
Above and below, dolphins. It is very hard to get a good picture of dolphins as by the time i could get my camera on them they were diving.
Below, the Cedar Key Lighthouse. This was as close as we could get for a couple of reasons. The lighthouse is closed this time of year and the tide was very low and the boat we were on could not get any nearer the island.

We did get off at one island for a few minutes and i managed to get this flower with the bee.
As we were coming back i got this picture of the sea side of Cedar Key tourist shops.


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