Monday, July 21, 2008

First of all, see the blog entries below of the Humana building being imploded. On Sunday morning (July 20, 2008) on my wya to church I stopped by the site and took this picture of the building rubbel. I am amazed as how soon they got the street cleaned up and open to traffic. It was about an hour or so and traffic was going not only down Main st, but across the Clark Memorial Bridge as well.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This morning (6am July 19, 2008) I went to downtown Louisville, KY. I went to the top floor of a 7 story parking garage at the corner of First Street and Market Street. A demolition team was going to implode this building at 7am to make way for a new Basketball arena. Thru this and the two following posts you can see the progression of the building falling into a pile of rubble. To say the least, it was a rather interesting event.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

A peacock at the Louisville Zoo.
A Mimosa flower.

July 4, 2008 I went to Elizabeth, IN and then on to my cousin's house and while there we took a walk in her flower garden. and I got to take this picture of the butterflies and bee on the cone flower, then looked up and there across the road was the deer having lunch in the field. Then i found the bee hanging onto the flower. All in all it was a great picture taking day.