Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23, 2007. Near the office building where i work there are 2 retention ponds. I walked out there today and in one found these water lilies and then at the other one there were a lot of Dragonflies. I had never seen a red or blue one and was lucky enough to get a picture of both.

Monday, August 20, 2007

August 19, 2007, Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa Florida. Three members of the King of Peach, MCC church Photo Club went to Lowry Park Zoo for an outing.
Bald Eagle, symbol of America
Sacred Ibis
African Penguins
Rainbow Lorikeet
Some other brand of Lorikeet

August 19, 2oo7 Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa, Florida


Sunday, August 19, 2007 after church three members of the church photo club went to Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa for an outing. Below are some of the pictures I took.
Elephant baby with Momma
White Rhino
And of course Zebras
The Giraffe kneeling
The Eye of White Rhino

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Last week I finally got my new camera and below are some test pictures i have taken with it.
First is Frangi Pangi or Plumeria, whichever name you prefer. I do not have a clue the name of the next flower down.

The railroad tracks near where i live, a bit of haze in the distance.
Last night I went out to Pier 60 on Clearwater Beach. There was a young man making grasshoppers and roses out of palm fronds. I of course had to purchase one of each and thought you might enjoy seeing the artistic ability this young man possesses.

Friday, August 03, 2007

July 28, 2007, my church, King of Peace MCC and Tampa MCC and the MCC church at Sarasota met at Ft. DeSoto Park for a Beach Baptism and Barbecue. It was a lot of fun and met a lot of new people. I have gotten these pictures in a bit of a reverse order, The top two pictures are sunset pictures taken on my way home. The third picture is of our pavilion where we had the picnic and the 4th picture is the baptism. The last picture is looking north along the beach from the top of the old fort.